Jan 19th PSA

January 21, 2024

PSA: To the citizens of Opelousas: Thank you for all of your efforts to help our city. As we prepare for tonight’s freezing temperatures, your help is desperately needed. As we have seen this week, freezing temperatures will impact our water supply. You can HELP! Please do not DRIP FAUCETS. In order to address this issue and ensure that we have enough water for everyone, we kindly ask and request your assistance in conserving water usage. By working together, we can sustain and continue to build up our water supply. By conserving water together, we can ensure that everyone in our city and community has access to this vital resource and not experience what did earlier this week. #ConserveWaterOpelousasDoNotDrip The City is still under a Boil Advisory until further notice.

Mayor Alsandor

Last modified: January 21, 2024

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