Opelousas to Turn Traffic Boxes into Works of Art

January 7, 2020

January 7, 2020

(Opelousas, LA) –Ordinary metal traffic boxes in Opelousas will be transformed into canvases for art that will showcase the community’s character and culture. The project, titled Boxed Art, is one of the activities planned for the City’s 300-year celebration which takes place this year.

Led by Opelousas Tourism, with support from Mayor Alsandor and organizational support from the Celebrate Opelousas 300 Commission and Opelousas Main Street, Inc., the goal of the Boxed Art project is to enliven community space while showcasing the talent of artists in our area. A total of twelve (12) boxes are targeted for the project.

Boxed Art will feature artwork that will pop up unexpectedly on the traffic boxes, which are located next to traffic signals and contain equipment to operate the signal system. The traffic boxes are owned and maintained by the Louisiana Department of transportation. Opelousas Tourism is coordinating with the state agency for the project.

Under the project, visual artist will be recruited from Opelousas and surrounding areas. Members of the Celebrate 300 Commission and local art professionals will select submitted designs which will then be assigned to traffic boxes in various locations around the city. One to two traffic boxes will be reserved for an area high school to design. Some of the intersection sites selected for consideration include Vine and Bullard, Creswell and Union, Natchez and Main, Landry and Market, and Wallior and Vine/Landry.

Opelousas 300 Commission is issuing a call for artists, graphic designers, illustrators and photographers who want their work displayed on a traffic cabinet in the city. The selected designs would be photographed and then transferred to wrapping vinyl. The vinyl is weather resistant as well as resistant to spray paint, markers, damage from adhesives, and can last up to five years.

The first traffic signal box wrap that will be revealed to the public is located at the intersection of Wallior and Vine and Landry Streets. A short unveiling ceremony is scheduled for noon on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. The inaugural Boxed Art will feature the artwork of artist and St. Landry Parish School Board Visual & Talented Arts Instructor, Jerome Ford.

Funding for the new initiative is made possible through a grant from Union Pacific Foundation which was secured by Opelousas Tourism. Additional funding is made possible through the Tricentennial Fund account as well as anticipated sponsorships. For more information about Boxed Art, visit www.cityofopelousas.com or email tourism@cityofopelousas.com

Last modified: January 7, 2020

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