Permits, Licenses & Inspections

Opening a Business in Opelousas?

Here are some basic instructions on commercial occupancy within the municipality of Opelousas:

Occupancy Permit

All new businesses locating within the city limits of Opelousas must purchase an Occupancy Permit before electrical service is turned on.

Occupational License

All new businesses must also apply for an Occupational License.

For information on obtaining occupational licenses, contact D’Adrea Lyons at Opelousas Municipal Plaza.

Telephone: (337) 948-2527 Ext. 1213

Applications and payments should be mailed to:

City of Opelousas
Attn: Occupational License
P.O. Box 1879
Opelousas, LA 70570

Beer, Liquor License & Hotel Tax Return

Applications and payments should be mailed to:

City of Opelousas
Attn: D’Adrea Lyons
P.O. Box 1879
Opelousas, LA 70570

Newly Constructed and Renovated Commercial Buildings

Newly constructed commercial buildings or buildings whereas any renovations are performed, a copy of the State Fire Marshal’s certificate of approval must be presented when applying for a permit.

Permits are required before placing signs on buildings or on grounds.

Historic District Occupancy

If occupancy is within the Historic District, you are required to fill out an Application for Appropriateness for occupancy and signs.

Electrical Tags

Procedures for obtaining an electrical tag

Prior to new construction any any additions or renovations requiring any alterations of electrical service or any building being moved unto any property, an Application for Permit must be obtained.

  • Fee depending on service or work done
  • Name and address of property owner
  • Name and address of tenant
  • Contractor MUST be State Licensed or Licensed by the City of Opelousas
  • Copy of State License or License by City
  • Certificate of Insurance (General Liability and Workman’s Compensation)
  • Occupational License
  • Permit application must be submitted to and can be obtained from the Code Enforcement Office, Mondays thru Fridays, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) at the address below.

City of Opelousas
105 North Main Street
Opelousas, Louisiana 70571-0712
(337) 948-2533
(337) 948-5220 Fax

For Contractors Only

For contractors wanting to apply for a City Contractors License, please submit an Application for Contractors License and fee with the following documentation:

  1. Copy of Certificate of Insurance ($100,000 plus product warranty, General Liability, and Workman’s Comp)
  2. Copy of current Occupational License if purchased in another city.
  3. If you live within the corporate limits of the City of Opelousas you MUST purchase an Occupational License with us.
  4. If you are a building contractor registered with the State of Louisiana, please send #1 and #2 or #1 and #3 and a copy of your State License (no renewal fee).
  5. Contractors License Fee is $25.00. First year fee is $75.00.

Permit application must be submitted to and can be obtained from the Code Enforcement Office, Mondays thru Fridays, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) at the address below.

City of Opelousas
105 North Main Street
Opelousas, Louisiana 70571-0712
(337) 948-2533
(337) 948-5220 Fax

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