February 16, 2021

Good morning Opelousas,

I hope all is well with each of you and that you are all safe and protected from Mother Nature’s elements.  Today, we are dealing with the cold temperatures and ice throughout our area and here in the city.  

In speaking with our energy providers, Slemco, Entergy and Cleco, earlier this morning, during the day each utility company may be performing rolling brown-outs across the city and surrounding communities.  These interruptions of power services are necessary to ‘NOT’ create elongated periods of households being without power.  Some will be shorter than others as each system must be rebooted by sections not to overload services.  

I pray that all of us are back to normal before long.  Let’s follow the suggestions the energy providers are recommending.  Some actions customers can take to conserve energy include:
• Delay laundry, washing dishes, and other non-essential uses of electricity until this appeal for conservation has ended.
• Wash clothes with cold water, cook foods at the lowest possible setting and refrain from opening the oven door while baking.
• Don’t allow warmed air to escape from the home.
• Open blinds, drapes and curtains to let in warmth from the sun.
• Lower the central thermostat to 68 degrees or lower if possible.

Thank you all in advancer and stay safe Opelousas. 

Mayor Alsandor

Last modified: February 16, 2021

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