Downtown Traffic Signal Box Art to be Unveiled

June 19, 2020

(Opelousas, LA) – Another traffic signal box is scheduled to be unveiled to the public as part of a city enhancement project titled Boxed Art.  The second Boxed Art unveiling is scheduled for Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm on the corner of Court and Landry Streets in downtown Opelousas.  The second box features the artwork of local artist Sue Boagni.

Sue Boagni, a resident of Opelousas, is classified as a water media artist.  She studied art at the University of Southwestern Louisiana and has participated in artists’ workshops abroad in Bali, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Holland and Belgium.  Sue has attended several water color workshops offered by M. Douglas Walton, at Louisiana Tech University on design, color, and figure. Sue has also attended and hosted workshops by art teacher Jane Stephenson (AWA) (SWA) of Dallas, Texas. Sue’s work has appeared in “American Artist Watercolor” a national art magazine.  Her work has also been shown privately and publicly in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi.  Her work can also be seen on one of the painted over-sized fiddles on the Courthouse Square.

The Boxed Art project transforms ordinary metal traffic boxes into creative canvases for art that showcase the community’s character and culture.  The project is one of the activities planned for the City’s 300-year celebration.  Led by Opelousas Tourism, and organizational support from the Celebrate Opelousas 300 Commission and Opelousas Main Street, Inc., the goal of the Boxed Art project is to enliven community space while showcasing the talent of artists in our area.  A total of ten boxes are targeted for the project over the next two years.

Earlier this year, the first traffic signal box wrap was unveiled at the intersection of Wallior and Vine and Landry Streets.  That box features artwork by local artist Jerome Ford.

Funding for the project is made possible through a grant from Union Pacific Foundation which was secured by Opelousas Tourism.

For more information about Boxed Art, visit or email


Last modified: June 19, 2020

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