March 22, 2020

Dear City of Opelousas Citizens:

I hope and pray that each of you are well as together we face the uncertainty, challenges and hardships related to COVID-19. I continue to ask each of you to adhere to the guidance, directives and preventive measures that are constantly being conveyed to the citizens of this city, our neighboring communities and our state. There is no blueprint for what we are confronting; however, there are steps we can take to help control the spread of this virus.

We are in constant communication with the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and other numerous local and state agencies which includes law enforcement, economic development, businesses and organizations, in our effort to protect the public’s health of our citizens. We are actively taking part in and receiving updates through a daily conference call. Let’s continue to work together and be considerate of your family, friends, and neighbors as we confront an enemy who has No Friends. The city will continue to provide information on our city website and our Historic Opelousas facebook page.

Another important issue is the 2020 Census. It is imperative, more so even today, that we diligently complete the 2020 Census Response. This outbreak will affect us both economically and socially. The future funding and monies related to the 2020 Census will be vitally important to the city and our community in the coming years, especially after we have gotten pass this event.

Below is a link to information about the 2020 Census. It will also allow you to see the response rates from our area for the 2020 Census.

Each of us play a role in keeping our city healthy. So let’s do our part while at the same time, practice preventative measures as it relates to COVID-19. I will continue to pray for your families, our city, state and country.

God Bless Us All,

Julius Alsandor
City of Opelousas

Last modified: March 22, 2020

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