July 24, 2024

Opelousas, LA – Historic property and business owners in downtown Opelousas can now apply for grant funds for rehabilitation of historic buildings through the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program (HRSP) administered by Louisiana Main Street.

Grant awards in the amount of $55,000 each will be given to owners or tenants of historic commercial buildings located within officially designated Louisiana Main Street districts.  Property owners will be required to match the grant with $10,000 cash.  The priority of this grant program is to return currently vacant or under-utilized historic buildings into productive use.

To be eligible for HRSP funds, a building must be located within a Louisiana Main Street district and must be either individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places or be a contributing element in a National Register Historic District. If properties are not already listed in the National Register of Historic Places but are deemed eligible, a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places must be completed and submitted to the Louisiana National Register Review Committee as part of the project.

Grants are available for either interior or exterior rehabilitation projects. Exterior work must also be approved by the Opelousas Historic District Commission. The state deadline for submitting a grant is August 31, 2024.   All applications will be submitted online through the Submittable platform.  Applicants, therefore, will need to first create an account with Submittable.  Once an account is created, the application and guidelines can be found by visiting the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development Applications Manager.

All proposed rehabilitation work must comply with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. This project is supported through a grant from the Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program as administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior.

For questions, email Melanie Lebouef at

2024 Paul Bruhn Louisiana Main Street HRSP Grant Guidelines and Application 

Last modified: July 24, 2024

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